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CAS at Brookfield, Ohio! Saturday August 10, 2019! A Good Time was had by all!

"Hey, I know that dude! That's Pinky Ring the 2 Gun King!"

"He looks like he takes this game seriously!"

Pinky sez: "One on the big square, one on the elk, one on the big square, one on the elk, one on the big square, one on the elk, one on the big square ......."

One never knows who will drop in for some steel ringin' fun at Yankee Flats!

Cowboy Action at the Brookfield Conservation Club

Saturday August 10, 2019

The Shenango River Rats were Riding Again!

We had another beautiful day to shoot the steel and make some noise down at Yankee Flats, the little “cowboy town” in the woods!

Lenny James was our first place winner! Congratulations, Lenny!

Ol’ Slow Mo came in last at ninth place but finished in the top ten! Ninth place is getting to be a habit! Yikes!

Hagen and the Brunswick Kid did a “bang-up” job last Friday painting our targets for the Saturday match and they really looked good!

Of course someone came by after 4:30 pm and banged ‘em all up with their pistol rounds so they would be nice and shot up before the match.

We started the match a little late at the Rat Hotel. Betsy, the ’52 Ford N didn’t want to get up and go even though she was starting fine all week. Go figure.

The match started at the hotel; we did the Abilene sweep, cleaned out the Rat Hotel, then did the plate rack and the Joe Z. Wales over at the Cactus Corral.

Calamity Jane’s house and “cabbage patch” was stage #3 with a couple 2-2-1 sweeps and some fun knock-downs with shotgun and rifle “make-ups.”

The “ready line” on the Elk Stage was,

“Hold still so’s I can hit yuh!”

After 8 shooters, the Elk did exactly that! It quit moving and stayed still! We blame climate change…

Willy Goodnews offered to run the Elk back and forth by hand manually but we decided against that, too much paperwork.

Shenango Joe brought a whole posse of adventurous ladies who had fun ringing the steel and slingin’ some hot lead! YeeeHawww!

Booney Young brought his own wild bunch to do the Wild Bunch style of steel ringing!

We finished up the match busting birds at the fort and shooting a nice “round count stage” before retiring to the clubhouse for a meatball sandwich lunch with watermelon slices, chips, salad, ice cream, and a cup of coffee!

Thanks, Kat!

Next match, maybe we’ll combine the Mercantile stage with the Cactus Corral stage; that might prove to be mo’ funner!

Get’cher runnin’ boots on!

Our next match is Thursday August 29, 2019! It’s our

Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match!

Shoot any style you want at any time you want!

How fun is that?

“Loads” of fun! It’ll be a “blast!” More fun than a “barrel” of excited monkeys!! You’ll get a “bang!” out of it!

A good time might be had by most everybody! We hope you’ll come join us.

Visitors and spectators are welcome but bring your safety glasses and hearing protectors! We like safety!

A big thanks to all who came to spend a fun day with us!

Thanks to Missouri Jake for bringing his trailer, his tractor expertise, scoring the match, and signing everyone up. We appreciate it, Jake!

Please keep all the folks who couldn’t attend in your thoughts. Some folks couldn’t attend for many reasons but we want them to know that we’re thinking of them. Thank you.

Don’t forget the next match: Thursday August 29, 2019!

See you soon,

Slow Mo Dern

and the Shenango River Rats

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1953 Sharon Hogue Rd
Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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