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Another Beautiful Day in Paradise! Thursday Work Shirker on August 29, 2019! A good time was had b

"Is that 'Funky' Auntie Funk?"

"Might be, she's got the look!"

"Nice hat!"

"Look out! She's getting ready to do that Veddy Badman Slow Mo sweep!"

"I think that is now called the Cabbage Patch sweep by the more serious stage writers!"

"You sure this ain't Granny Oakley?"

Another beautiful day in Paradise!

The Last Thursday of the Month

Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match

Thursday August 29, 2019!

The match with no set categories so you can shoot any style you want at any time you want!

Trying something new and different is encouraged!

Within reason of course!

Thirteen shooters came out to Yankee Flats to ring the steel for 5 fun-filled stages of Old West wackiness.

Word has it that the stages were way too easy! Too many folks ended up with no P’s and not enough misses! We can fix that!

One shooter I talked to said he’d like to see more “patterned sweeps” like a “Three-Two-Two-Three” sweep on 3 targets down at the fort as an example.

That’s Ok with me! I’ve always asked for input and suggestions except this time we’ll do it on another stage 'cause I’ve already had another suggestion for the fort from somebody else. Seems that some folks just don’t care for the 10 on 10 round count!

I’ve had some good suggestions for stage 4 also!

And you know me; once I’m paid, I always see the job through! They don’t call me Angel Eyes Mo for nuthin’!

Thursday’s match: It was a beautiful day for shooting.

Swiftwater Jack won the first place! Congratulations, Jack!

Krazy Thom came in second followed by Cheatin’ Charley in third.

Clean shootin’ Willy Goodnews got fourth place followed by New York’s own Low Plains Drifter in fifth place.

Sixth place went to Slow Mo Dern! How ‘bout that! 56 seconds on the Rat Hotel stage! Ain’t that a wonderment!

Everybody gets lucky sometime!

Video expert Willie Miss of the WillieMiss45 channel on YouTube won the lucky seventh place spot. Check out all his videos on YouTube!

Clean shootin’ Hagen finished eighth and Shenango Joe finished ninth. Joe won himself another brown colored ribbon to hang on the board or tree....

The Brunswick Kid got another clean match! He might be starting another clean match streak! This is good news! Everyone loves the clean shooters!

Sam Winterbuck came in at eleventh place. He always has interesting stories to tell and might be able to crack open a walnut in his bare hands! It wouldn’t surprise me!

Rattlesnake Ruby finished in the twelfth place slot. It’s good to see him out enjoying an easy cowboy match with his good friends. He’s been in our thoughts a lot lately and it’s good to see him.

We always save the best for last! Bo Jak, expert target fabricator and pistolero came in strong winning the lucky thirteenth place.

Clean shooters were Willy Goodnews, Hagen, and the Brunswick Kid.

Shenango Joe and Swiftwater Jack were awarded AwwSh**t ribbons.

Erie, Pennsylvania’s own Calico Jack came to visit us to see what all this Cowboy Action is about.

Being a first time shooter, we immediately started him out on the Nido de Ratas Hotel and he handled it like a real professional lead slinger! We hope he returns to do it again sometime and maybe he can stay for the whole match!

Wyatt N. Erdy has an injured shoulder but he came to visit and help out with posse chores and such. I’m glad he did! We can always use good help. Thanks, Wyatt!

Brookfield’s Duelin’ Diehl is getting over an illness but he delivered Missouri Jake’s trailer full of guncarts, riders, and bottled water to the cowboy range and drove everybody back. He also helped us with all the posse chores. Thanks, D.D! Get well soon!

Big thanks to Missouri Jake for providing his trailer, handling registration, sign-up, and score keeping. I hear he has a nice pair of Outlaw Remingtons that need a work out! Maybe next time!

Our next match is Saturday September 14, 2019.

Look for the Brunswick Kid’s Guy Lombardo sweep, the Lawrence Welk sweep, an Ohio sweep, the plate rack, the famous Rat Hotel, flying birds, and the infamous running elk! I hear its running so we’ll try it again!

We’re going to introduce the Cabbage Patch sweep which is almost the same as Veddy Badman’s Slow Mo sweep only different! Outside, outside, inside, inside, and double tap the middle then do it again the opposite way!

Sounds like a real good time to me and we hope to see you there!

Saturday September 14, 2019!

Write it on the wall so’s you don’t forget!

Visitors are always welcome to come watch. Bring your ear protection and wear your safety glasses! It is mandatory.

See you soon,

Slow Mo Dern

and the Shenango River Rats

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1953 Sharon Hogue Rd
Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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