Brookfield CAS Saturday October 12, 2019 with the Shenango River Rats!

"Who's this dude? Somebody famous?"
"Naw, that's just Mo shootin' Lawman Style!"
"Mo? Ain't he the dude that makes the coffee?"
"Naw, they don't let Mo make the coffee! Haw!
Brookfield CAS on Saturday October 12, 2019!
Another “second Saturday of the month” is coming up fast!
It’s time to head to Brookfield, form a posse, and ring some steel down in the woods with a bunch of friendly folks who think just like you!
The leaves are starting to fall and that means perfect shooting weather!
Doors and gates will open about 8:30 am.
Come early if you want to help us set-up.
Sign up for the match starts at 9:00 am.
The match starts at 10:00 am after the Pledge and a brief safety meeting.
Coffee and Donuts in the morning!
Match fee is $10! Lunch is scheduled for an additional $5!
Tons of fun at last year’s prices!
Five fun-filled stages of Old West wackiness and jollification!
We’re going to shoot birds, rats, plates, outlaws, hombres, big squares, little squares, round things, crooked things, and possibly a fast-moving Cervus Canadensis made of steel and jet powered by a marine Die Hard! Wow!
Not only that but Shenango Joe says the cowboy bird launcher is all repaired, fixed, and ready to go! YeeHawwww!
So come join the Shenango River Rats on
Saturday October 12, 2019!
At the Brookfield Conservation Club
1953 Sharon-Hogue Road, Masury, Ohio 44438
Bring plenty of shotgun shells! There are 10 rats to knock-down in the Nido de Ratas Hotel!
Visitors and spectators are always welcome down at the cowboy range but you must wear safety glasses and your hearing protectors!
We hope to see you there!
Slow Mo Dern
And the Shenango River Rats
Note: If it rains, we will shoot "under the roof up top" at the 25 yard range.