Last Match of the Season at Brookfield with the Shenango River Rats! Thursday October 31, 2019!

"Boy, that's an old photograph!"
"That's Mo and his partner, MoNique! Don't be scared...she's unarmed! Haw!"
"That looks like 'Granny' from that Josey Wales movie standing on a box!"
"That's who it is! Nice teeth!"
"Nice hat too!"
I didn't have a recent Halloween photograph so we're gonna use this old one....
Brookfield, Ohio CAS! Thursday October 31, 2019
Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match with the Shenango River Rats under the roof at the
Brookfield Conservation Club.
Big thanks to all the cowboys and cowgirls who came out to shoot the last outdoor match of the season at the Brookfield Conservation Club.
A good time was had by all in spite of all the precipitation!
Mercy! That was a lot of rain! “Nice weather for.…soup and cookies!”
It’s a good thing we were shootin’ on the high side of the property!
Krazy Thom was the champion of the day. Congratulations, Krazy Thom!
Clean shootin’ Swiftwater Jack won second place followed by clean shootin’ Shenango Joe coming in third.
Jack and Joe were our only clean shooters today!
Cheatin’ Charlie came in fourth followed by Hagen coming in fifth.
Boonie Young won sixth place shootin’ Wild Bunch style. Thanks for helping at the end of the match, Boonie!
The lucky seventh spot was won by Slow Mo Dern. He was lucky he didn’t get too wet!
Eighth place went to Rattlesnake Ruby and the Brunswick Kid finished in ninth place…not a bad place to finish.
We always save the best for last and Low Plains Drifter finished strong in the tenth place slot!
All our contestants finished in the top ten! How’s that for a match!
Thank you to all who came early to help with the match, we appreciate it so much, and thank you to the folks that helped with set-up and take-down afterwards!
Thanks again to Missouri Jake and Swiftwater Jack for scoring and handling registration.
Thanks to Rattlesnake Ruby for presenting every shooter with a beautiful embroidered drawstring brass bag.
I took a pretty green and gold one that looks like it would fit my bottle of Crown Royal! Thanks, Rattlesnake!
Thanks to Hagen for bringing in his famous soup, Barb for baking the cookies, and the Brunswick Kid for bringing in the Ghost Pepper Beef Sticks! YeeeHooooo!
Hagen and “the Kid” also did the gorgeous paint job on the targets and worked all day Wednesday getting the range ready for action!
Many of our club members are out of commission and can’t participate due to injury and various other challenges. Our numbers are severely diminished.
Please keep these friends in your thoughts. I want them to know we’re thinking of them and wish them our best.
Our next match is on Saturday November 09, 2019
at the Western Reserve Fish and Game Association
in Niles, Ohio.
We will punch the paper indoors for the next 6 months.
Matches will be held on the second Saturday and last Thursday of each month.
Watch the SASS wire for weather cancellations and be sure to give us your email.
I have enjoyed cowboy shooting all year with a fine bunch of people.
Thank you for your support!
All the best,
Slow Mo Dern