No CAS on Thanksgiving Day November 28, 2019!

We wish you, your families, and all our friends the best for this
Thanksgiving and the coming Hiliday Season!
Thank you for your support!
Thanksgiving Day Thursday November 28, 2019
No Thursday Cowboy Action match in Niles, Ohio!
We’ll be closed for Thanksgiving!
The last Thursday of the month is the day the Lake Park Raiders host their Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match but this year the last Thursday falls on Thanksgiving Day.
We have decided to cancel this month’s Work Shirker match on the last Thursday to spend time with our families.
Many of us have family coming to visit from out of town, places to be, things that need done, and it looks like the weather will be good for traveling.
Many of our local posse are still on the injury list and won’t be shooting so a big turnout is not expected.
Please join us this Thanksgiving Day to spend some quality time at home with your family and friends and we wish you a safe and happy holiday.
We will be back in December!
Come join us on Saturday December 14, 2019 at the Western Reserve Fish and Game Club as we shoot 5 more fun-filled stages of Old West wackiness and jollification!
A goodly state of merriment could be had by all! You betcha!
We wish you all the best from the Shenango River Rats and the Lake Park Raiders and hope to see you in December!
Thank you for your support!

"Oh, Thom! He looks bad! What shall we do?"
"It's Ok, Hallie. This pilgrim just ate too much turkey!"
"I got some Rolaids, Mister Thom!"
"Good! We'll eat'em after dinner!"
Thanksgiving Day in Shinbone....