Indoor CAS at Niles, Ohio! Saturday December 14, 2019

"Wow! That's whut I want for Christmas! A Red Ryder BB gun!!"
Indoor CAS in Niles, Ohio Saturday!
Saturday December 14, 2019.
The Lake Park Raiders will have their indoor CAS match this Saturday.
Put on some snappy cowboy duds and come join us!
Doors open at 9:00 am
Lead downrange at 10:00 am following the Pledge of Allegiance and a brief safety meeting.
Match fee is $10! Hours of fun at last year’s prices!
Coffee and Donuts in the morning
No lunch will be served so bring your lunch or snacks
We’ll do 5 fun-filled stages guaranteed to put you in a goodly state of merriment and confusion!
Please use only approved low velocity cowboy loads and lead only bullets for rifles and pistols.
Bring 2 single action revolvers, your lever rifle, and your shotgun!
Shotgun! Shotgun! Do not bring shotgun ammo!
12 gauge and 20 gauge shotgun ammo will be provided by the club!
No gun carts needed! Leave your cart at home!
We have folding tables covered with horse blankets to lay all your guns on!
Visitors and spectators are always welcome but you must have safety glasses and hearing protection.
I hope to see you there!