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Ain't This a Wonderment! CAS in Niles, Ohio! Saturday December 14, 2019!

Happy Holidays from the Doc!

"Who might this be?"

"Hey! That's Doc Holiday!"

"If he's one of the happy Holidays; he don't look too happy!"

"You suppose he got some bad eggnog?"

"He probably had some of Mo's coffee!"

"Looks like he's got two belly buttons! Haw!"

I bet you wouldn't say that if he wuz livin'! He might drill yuh!

Cowboy Action in Niles, Ohio! Saturday December 14, 2019

The action never stops over in the sleepy little town of Niles, Ohio where men are men, women are women, and the planets never line up quite right sometimes!

Saturday was a nice day though. Twenty two competitors came to join in the merriment as we perforated a small half acre of cardboard and paper targets over on the north wall of the Western Reserve Fish and Gamer Club on West Third Street.

The Western Reserve Fish and Game Association in Niles has been in business for 100 years!

Where else can you find buffalo chip cookies on match day except in Niles, Ohio!

A good time was had by most! The scenarios really made a cowboy’s brain go into super over-drive and start thinkin’ of Christmas cheer!

I like equal parts of Fireball and Cruzan Velvet Cinn this year! If you can’t find the Velvet Cinn; Rum Chatta is the suitable substitute.

I don’t have all our competitor’s times but I have the placement:

Congratulations to Hooligan Howes; our first place winner! Congratulations, Hooligan!

Pennsylvania’s clean-shootin’ Johnny Rails – formerly Calico Big Jack, came in second! Congratulations, Johnny Rails!

Ohio Cheatin’ Charlie was third followed by N.A. Custer in fourth place.

Hagen got fifth place followed by Sixgun Seamus coming in fifth.

Swiftwater Jack won the lucky seventh place and Flat Iron Mike won the eighth place.

Beaver Valley Bush Wacker Lawless Lorin finished in ninth place followed by Lenny James. Lenny came in tenth.

Krazy Thom was our lucky eleventh place competitor.

Slow Mo Dern finished in twelfth place. Ain’t that another wonderment!

Clean shootin’ El Dorado Jim landed in the thirteenth place! Congratulations, El Dorado!

Hard workin’ Turkey Flats Jack finished the match in fourteenth place using his new-fangled smokeless powder.

Elegant Cayenne Kay finished fifteenth followed by our old friend Laramie Leadslinger in sixteenth.

Shenango Joe was our seventeenth place winner and Boonie Young was our eighteenth place winner in CAS and first place winner in Wild Bunch!

Deadwood Dave came in strong, finishing in the nineteenth place followed by the always charming Sisu Kid formerly known as Suety Hawk.

We were all glad to see her after her brief hiatus. She can still spot a brass case on the floor 50 foot away with one eye closed!

Marshall Rooster Cogburn and Marshall Merriem did not finish.

El Dorado Jim and Johnny Rails were our only clean shooters today.

AwwSh**t recognition went to Hagen – missed it by only one, Chief!

Thanks be to everyone who helped with our match. It goes so much faster and smoother when there’s plenty of good people helping.

Thanks to Johnny Rails for presenting all our contestants with tasteful brass bags and the buffalo chip cookies.

Our next match will be on the day after Christmas so bring your new guns, snappy duds, and crocodile boots!

New jokes for the Holiday Season are also always welcome!

The match date is Thursday December 26, 2019.

It’s our Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match.

We’ll do another 5 friendly stages of western wackiness including the Christmas tree at the curb sweep, the fireplace sweep, the Krazy Thom sweep, and a new version of a Guy Lombardo sweep fresh from the pages of yesteryear!

Look for some new changes in policy regarding safety and gun handling. I want no more hair-raising experiences.

Please make sure all your guns are in proper working order and if they aren’t; please get them repaired.

Your rifle should be able to consecutively shoot 10 rounds without jamming most of the time. If your rifle jams 5 times during every stage, it might need to be looked at by a competent repair person.

If you can’t open your shotgun and shuck the empty shells out – you need to work on your technique or repair the gun.

Please read the NRA rules for safely handling firearms and read the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) Shooter’s Handbook. The handbook is available on their website.

All the safety rules are in the book as well as penalties, procedures, and sportsmanship.

We are SASS Affiliated so SASS rules and penalties apply. Thank you.

Learn how to shoot your guns, learn the rules, and learn to be safe then come to a cowboy action shooting match.

I have said enough. I hope to see almost everyone back at Niles, Ohio for another round of jollification and merriment on the Lake Park Raiders paper-punchin’ posse of “professional” pistoleros!

Have a happy and safety holiday season!

All the best,

Slow Mo Dern

and all the Lake Park Raiders and Shenango River Rats

Ps: We can teach you Cowboy Action Shooting if you're willing to learn but we can't teach you during a scheduled match.

You need to contact me and set up a day to start learning - if you are serious.


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Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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