Cowboy Action Indoors! Thursday Work-Shirker on Dec. 26, 2019!

"Ay! Ceesco! Wachoo riddin'?"
" Ahh, Poncho! It is a smuggled letter from Brookfield!"
"What does it say?"
"Ahh, Poncho! It says nothing -- one must read it!"
"Oh, Ceesco!"
"Poncho! It says, 'help! help! Hagen and the Brunswick Kid have locked me in the shed down at the cowboy range and it's dark in here!'"
"Oh, Ceesco! Who it's from?"
"It is signed, "the elk!"
"Let's went!"
Our hero's are once again off to the rescue and to do good deeds! YeeHaww!
Indoor Cowboy Action in Niles, Ohio!
Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match on
December 26, 2019!
Saturday night’s alright for fightin’ but the last Thursday of the month at 10 am in the morning is alright for
Cowboy Action Shooting and shoot we did!
16 shooters came to punch the paper without a hitch and a good time was had by all! Yessir!
Hooligan Howes went home with the first place prize, a pretty blue gallon of windshield washer fluid! How ‘bout that?
Congratulations, Hooligan!
Clean-shootin’ Krazy Thom came in second. Second place ain’t bad!
Third place went to open top master, Cheatin’ Charlie!
Famous Seamus, Sixgun Seamus, won the fourth place spot followed by clean-shootin’ Slow Mo Dern coming in fifth!
Ain’t that a wonderment! Yessir!
Hard-workin’ Hagen got sixth place followed by good-natured Lenny James finishing in the “lucky seventh” place. Lenny also won a prize but I can’t remember what it was!
That was last week! Congratulations, Lenny!
Good friend, T.J.Lawdog finished in the eighth place followed by Bobtown Cooter coming in at number nine!
Laramie Leadslinger won the tenth place honors followed by Duelin’ Diehl, coming in at the eleventh place position.
Miss Tiff finished in the lucky eleventh place. It’s always a pleasure when she’s in the posse!
The “lucky thirteenth” spot was won by Shenango Joe! He makes all those fun shotgun shells we all love to shoot! Thanks, Joe!
Professor Kilroy finished fourteenth. A very nice gentleman with a good sense of humor! Welcome to the posse!
Boonie Young! Finished strong in fifteenth place! We always save the best for last! Finished Cowboy in fifteenth but didn’t finish in Wild Bunch.
Our fault, Boonie and I apologize!
Thanks to Swiftwater Jack for being our “tally man” today.
He shot the match but the wrong scores were recorded on his sheet under the wrong name by accident so he decided to take a “DNF.”
We will try to not let this happen again, and I apologize for this mess-up. If you pay your money – you are a competitor in the match and you deserve to be counted with the correct score! Amen.
Clean shooters were Krazy Thom and Slow Mo Dern. Only 2 today!
The AwwSh**t award (if we had one) would go to Miss Tiff, she missed a clean match by only one!
Congratulations to all our winners and contestants!
Thank you to everyone for helping us put on a good, happy, and enjoyable match.
We are so lucky to have CAS matches with such a fine bunch of good people. Thank you for your support!
Our next match is Saturday January 11, 2020!
Same time, same station! Doors open at 9:00 am!
No lunch will be available so bring some snacks.
Water will be provided by the club and there is a so-dee pop machine!
We’ll do the famous Christmas tree at the curb round count and a Santa Claus sweep, a zig-zag sweep and the Long Krazy Thom sweep, and finish it all up with Veddy Badman’s Gunfighter sweep! It might be fun!
Please keep all our injured and recuperating friends in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.
We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season from all of us on the Lake Park Raider posse and all of us Shenango River Rats!
Happy New Year!
See you next year!
Slow Mo Dern