Lake Park Raiders Rode Again! Saturday January 11, 2020!

"Hey, what's this? Is it a train robbery? Are they stealing the train?"
"Naw, it's just some outlaws gettin' trained! Haw! Haw!"
"They were going to hold up the train but it was too heavy! Haw! Haw!"
"They knew the train went by, it left its tracks! Haw! Haw!"
"This be whut they call 'on the job training!' Haw! Haw!"
"Aww, gimme a break! Haw!"
Train jokes amongst the outlaw gang!
Indoor CAS in Niles, Ohio!
Saturday January 11, 2020
A good time was had over in Niles, Ohio Saturday! We had folks from Pennsylvania, Ohio, and New York and they all came out to join the Lake Park Raiders blast 5 scenarios of fun-filled western wackiness on the new cardboard wall!
20 contestants came to shoot and I thank you for all the help setting up the tables, putting out the blankets, and getting the show on the road! I appreciate it!
We shot the mile-long Krazy Thom and the Zig-Zag, the Veddy Badman Gunfighter sweep and the Christmas Tree at the Curb round count, and finished it all up with the Brunswick Kid’s Santa Claus scenario!
We blasted the sleigh, eight reindeer, Rudolph, and the Grinch all in one fell swoop! Hopefully, that’s the last time Turkey Flats Jack gets a lump of coal for Christmas!
He still might make the naughty list if he’s not good!
Gunfighter Hooligan Howes won the day; he finished in first place and won a good-lookin’ new bore brush and a prescription shot glass for when its flu shot time!
Congratulations, Hooligan!
Second place went to Sixgun Seamus! He was hot today!
Clean shootin’ Swiftwater Jack came in third followed by “almost clean shootin’” Hagen! Hagen finished in fourth place.
Fifth place went to Krazy Thom with the silent “H.” Now, that’s Krazy!
New York’s Low Plains Drifter won the sixth place spot. He was lookin’ good!
The lucky seventh place went to old friend, N.A. Custer! He was doin’ it gunfighter style!
Krazy eighth place went to Slow Mo Dern shootin’ cow-boy, bay-beee! Luigi’s Pizza called, they want their tablecloth back!
“It was a spaghetti western shirt!”
Ninth place went to the king of steel, Flat Iron Mike followed by our tenth place winner, Cayenne Kay!
Santa’s nemesis and black powder aficionado, Turkey Flats Jack was our eleventh place winner! Congratulations, Jack!
Master shotshell maker Shenango Joe was the twelfth place winner followed by gunfighter Laramie Leadslinger finishing in the lucky thirteenth place.
Fourteenth place went to tractor wizard, Duelin’ Diehl and fifteenth place went to master target maker Bo Jak!
Deadwood Dave won the sweet sixteenth place. Congratulations, Deadwood! Always good to have Dave on the posse!
Coming in strong in the number seventeenth slot was Heartless Hanna! Her heart is as big as a house, I know!
Good friend, Rattlesnake Ruby sporting what looked like a brand new lid won the eighteenth place with flying colors!
New shooter, Lucky Ted, finished in the nineteenth spot. He’s got that Lone Ranger thing goin’ on!
Ted said he’d like to return to have some more shootin’ fun with us at a later date. You’d be welcome Ted!
He did real good! He finished in the top twenty which really isn’t bad for a first time shooter. Congratulations, Ted!
I’ll nominate him for the “man with the coolest lookin’ vest at the match!” award. Yessir!
Last but not least: Boonie Young was back again to take first place shootin’ his Wild Bunch style! Congratulations, Boonie! Thanks for all your help too!
Swiftwater Jack was our only clean shooter and Hagen was our only “almost clean” shooter.
Congratulations to all our winners and contestants! Salute!
Thank you to everyone for coming out to spend the day with us! We hope you had enough fun to last you a day or two and we hope you got a chance to visit, socialize, and maybe have a few laughs!
Our next match is the:
Thursday Work-Shirker Open Class Match on
January 30, 2020!
We’re all going to be outlaws on the outlaw posse living outside the law or on the other side of the lawn! Haw! Haw!
I hope to see you there!
Visitors and spectators are always welcome but you must have safety glasses and hearing protection. It’s mandatory.
Sorry, no black powder indoors. Thank you.
Thank you for your continued support. Slow Mo