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The Lake Park Raiders will Ride yet Again! Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match! January 30,

"Well, lookee here! This looks like the Plinkertons with the stage!"

"It is! They're takin' a break after lunch!"

"Don't tell me they had barbeque for lunch!"

"Yep! Thas' the best way to eat horse meat! Yum! You betcha!"

Mo sez: "I wonder where they came upon that much BBQ sauce?"

"Hey! There's plenty of BBQ sauce in Texas!"

Indoor Cowboy Action in Niles, Ohio!

Thursday January 30, 2020!

It’s the Last Thursday of the Month Work Shirker Open Class

Cowboy Action Shooting Match!


Come to Niles, Ohio and posse up with us

Lake Park Raiders

for a goodly state of merriment as we spend the day shooting 5 fun-filled stages of Old West wackiness!

Doors open at 9:00 am

Coffee and Donuts

Lead down range at 10:00 am following the Pledge of Allegiance and a brief safety meeting.

Come early if you would like to help set-up tables and blankets

Match fee is still $10! Hours of fun at last year’s prices!

No lunch will be served so bring your snacks in case of hunger!

Cold “so-dee pop” and water will be provided by the club!

Bring all your cowboy guns and low velocity cowboy ammo!

Do not bring shotgun ammo!

12 gauge and 20 gauge shotgun ammo will be provided by the club!

We’ll shoot 3 exciting stages, take a brief intermission while we set up two more exciting stages, and finish the match.

Look for the tribute stage to our friend, Bad Eye Bob and the Slow Mo Gunfighter sweep invented by Veddy Badman! We’ll shoot a nasty gang of Plinkerton detectives off a stage coach, shoot the big lock off the Abilene strong box, and somewhere get double-crossed! Sound like fun? A good time could be had, for sure!

Visitors and spectators are always welcome. Safety glasses and hearing protection are mandatory –

safety first!

Smokeless gun powder only, please.

Use only that new-fangled smokeless stuff

all the outlaws use now-a-days!

It’s undetectable to Plinkertons! They cain’t tell where the shots are comin’ from when they’re getting’ ambushed! Haw!

Remember, it's the:

The Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match!

Thursday January 30, 2020

Come out to Niles, Ohio

(the hot-bed of Cowboy Action in the middle of winter) and join the posse!

A good time is usually had by all! Haw! Haw!

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1953 Sharon Hogue Rd
Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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