News from the Indoor Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS match in Niles, Ohio on February 27, 2020!

"Who's that?"
"That looks like Big John lookin' for Little Debbie again!"
"Naw, he's leavin' the cowboy match..."
"No way! He's leavin' for Niles so he can git there by March 14! Haw!"
Thursday February 27, 2020
Indoor CAS in Niles, Ohio
Howdy, friends!
Thanks to everybody for coming out to Niles, Ohio on a cold, snowy, and slippery day to join us Lake Park Raiders in our indoor Cowboy Action fun!
I hope everyone got home safe and sound.
February 27, 2020 was our Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS match that was inspired by Tombstone’s Doc Holiday.
We used Val Kilmer’s famous and not-so-famous movie lines and I think a good time was had by all of us fellow sophisticates!
Ten contestants braved the chilly 27 degree weather, scattered snow flurries, and prevailing winds to posse up and perforate the plentiful and perfectly positioned paper products push pinned to the north wall of our little Niles, Ohio shootin’ shack with their pistolas! YeeHaww!
Gunfighter Laramie Leadslinger won first place! Congratulations, Laramie! “Watch out, Johnny! I heard he’s really fast!”
Clean shootin’ Shenango Joe came in second.
Slow Mo Dern got third place!
“I’m in my prime…” “Yeah, you look it!”
Curly came in fourth place! Not Curly Bill, Curly Dex!
Duelin’ Diehl, best Diehl in town an’ sportin’ some snappy duds, came in fifth!
Sixth place went to clean-shootin’ Rattlesnake Ruby!
Sam Winterbuck won the lucky seventh place spot! We’re glad he could make it.
Clean shootin’ Idaho FAS was our eighth place contestant!
Deadwood Dave came in strong at ninth place and Swiftwater Jack did not finish but we always save the best for last and all our contestants ended the day being in the top ten!
Special thanks to Shenango Joe and Rattlesnake Ruby for presenting everyone with a beautiful handcrafted antler cartridge pusher. Thank you, guys!
Honorable mention goes to Grandma Barb for making us chocolate chip cookies!
Thanks to all the folks who came in early to help with the set-up, help with registration and scoring, and all the other various posse duties it takes to run a Thursday match.
It was good to see the clean-shootin’ Idaho FAS shooting again! He’s the hombre that got me introduced into this fun pastime. Thanks, Idaho!
Please keep all our posse members who couldn’t attend the match in your thoughts and prayers. Several folks are recovering from injuries, illness, operations, and other health challenges big and small so let’s let’em know they’re not forgotten. There are many.
Our next match is Saturday March 14, 2020.
Stay healthy and come join the posse! We’ll shoot up Curly Bill’s house next time, ambush the Plinkerton’s again, wreak havoc at the Dollar General store, engage the 5 Bad Leprechaun Hombres and do a new Krazy Thom sweep! It’s a peach of a sweep!
We hope to see you there!
Visitors and spectators are always welcome and we encourage it but you must have safety glasses and hearing protection of some sort.
Safety everytime -- that's us!
“Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”
- David Chicoine
Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?
Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!