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Indoor CAS in Niles, Ohio with the Lake Park Raiders! Saturday March 14, 2020...

"Hey! Look'it that! A left-handed Colt! How 'bout that?"

"I didn't know they made those!"

"I think they were made special for Billy the Kid....yep!"

"No way! Are you sure that's not a Rooger single action left-handed army model?"

Just when we think we've seen everything; history reveals another Old West mystery!

Indoor Cowboy Action in Niles, Ohio!

Saturday March 14, 2020!

It’s time for another Cowboy Action Shooting Match in Niles, Ohio where the women are strong, the men are men, and all the stages are above average! Hawhaw!

Join the Lake Park Raiders for a real good time as we spend the day shooting 5 fun-filled stages of Old West wackiness!

March is gonna come in like a chilly mountain lion and hopefully go out peaceful like a little lamb… I hope!

Doors open at 9:00 am

Coffee and Donuts in the morning!

Lead down range at 10:00 am following the Pledge of Allegiance and a brief safety meeting.

Come early if you would like to help set-up tables and blankets…

Tons of fun at last year’s prices!

No lunch will be served so bring your snacks in case of hunger!

Cold “so-dee-pop” will be available from the cold “so-dee-pop” machine!

Cold water will be provided by the club refrigerator!

Bring all your cowboy guns and low velocity cowboy ammo!

Do not bring shotgun ammo!

12 gauge and 20 gauge shotgun ammo will be provided by the club!

Visitors and spectators are always welcome. Safety glasses and hearing protection are mandatory – safety every time, that’s us!

Smokeless gun powder only, please.

Use only that new-fangled smokeless stuff that Turkey Flats Jack and all the outlaws use now-a-days!

Look for the current rendition of our Long Krazy Thom sweep, a Rattlesnake sweep to rattle yuh, a Daisy of a round count, and we’re gonna shoot up Curly Bill’s house this time! KaaBooom!

The Five Bad Leprechauns are also going to make an appearance! That’s the… room-ah, dah-lin!

We’re all gonna be inspired again by Doc Holiday and go after Curly Bill and the Clanton gang! That’s Mo’s favorite movie! It’s a daisy!

Sounds like a good time to me!

It’s the Cowboy Action Shooting match on the second Saturday in the month of March at the sleepy little town of Niles, Ohio!

Saturday March 14, 2020

Come out to Niles, Ohio and join the posse!

A good time is usually had by all! HawHaw!

All the best,

Slow Mo Dern and I approve this here message!

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1953 Sharon Hogue Rd
Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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