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Indoor CAS matches are CANCELED for March and April at the Western Reserve Fish and Game Club in Nil

"What the heck is this?"

"That's Mo's house... he's in quarantine!"

"How are we supposed to get to the coffee?"

"You're not! That's why we boarded up the windows!"

"Must be a 'peach' of a carpenter!"

It's tough times all around but let's try to get through 'em!

Indoor Matches Canceled for March and April at Niles, Ohio!

Friday March 20, 2020

Indoor CAS matches with the Lake Park Raiders/Shenango River Rats at the Western Reserve Fish and Game Club in Niles, Ohio are CANCELED for the months of March and April.

We are trying to do our part to stop this

Covid-19 virus as soon as possible.

We need all our friends, pards, and fellow sophisticates to be and remain healthy. We have a busy year ahead.

Thank you for your understanding and as always:

Thank you for your support.

All the best,

Slow Mo Dern and the Lake Park Raiders

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1953 Sharon Hogue Rd
Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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