Rainy Daze at Brookfield! Saturday July 11, 2020. CAS with the Shenango River Rats!

"Geez! How are we supposed to shoot'im that far away?"
"Shoot who?"
"That guy ..... way over there!"
"There's a guy over there? Where? I can't see'im!"
"Believe me. There's a creepy lookin' guy over there that looks like he means business!"
"Where's that creepy harmonica music comin' from...."
"Is that guy gonna shoot his 3 spotters?"
Brookfield CAS with the Shenango River Rats on
Saturday July 11, 2020
It was a good day for a Cowboy Action match! We had our Saturday match “up the hill and under the tin” over at the Brookfield Conservation Club on July 11, 2020.
Of course, it was raining buckets of water down on us again but we set up BoJak’s heavy duty steel frames out on the lawn and bolted the portable iron plates to’em and we were good to go!
Sixteen shooters stayed high and dry as we worked our way through 5 easy, fun-filled, slapped together stages all built around a rainy day theme.
“Look at all that rain!” – Stand by… Beep! KaBooom!
A good time was had by all!
Sixgun Seamus shot so good that he came in first place! How ‘bout that! What a hero! Congratulations, Seamus!
Second place went to Krazy Thom! That’s jest Krazy!
Master scorekeeper Swiftwater Jack was our third place winner! He was in the “urban summer-time rain-gear cowboy” category, I think.
A good ribbon was had by all!
Rowdy Red Tailor came in fourth place and fifth place went to Boonie Young.
Sixth place went to Flat Iron Mike and our lucky seventh place went to New York’s Low Plains Drifter.
Hard workin’ Hagen won the eighth place spot followed by Slow Mo Dern finishing in number 9, number 9, number 9….
Our ol’ friend Diamond Back Dirk won tenth place and did real good!
Eleventh place went to long an’ lean Lenny James followed by clean shootin’ Shenango Joe in the twelfth place spot.
The lucky thirteenth place went to classy Classic Cowgirl Cayenne Kay and the Brunswick Kid finished in the fourteenth place.
The legendary Rattlesnake Ruby was our fifteenth place winner and last but not least, El Dorado Jim was our sixteenth place winner. We always save the best for last!
Our clean and smooth shooters this Saturday were Shenango Joe and Hagen and the AwwSh**t recognition and ribbons went to the Brunswick Kid, Sixgun Seamus, and Boonie Young.
Congratulations to all our winners and contestants!
After the match we all went to the patio to enjoy Kat’s pulled pork sandwiches on Giant Eagle bakery buns, watermelon slices, broccoli apple salad, bagged potato chips, coffee, root beer, and a little lemon bar thang for dessert! That was a good lunch! I was HONGRY!
Thanks for coming out to shoot with the Shenango River Rats on another wet and rainy summers day and thanks to all for all the help with BoJak’s targets, clean-up, and take-down.
Big thanks to Missouri Jake for bringing in his trailer for us to use and another big thanks goes to Swiftwater Jack for his excellent job scoring and doing the registration.
Our next match is Thursday July 30, 2020.
It’s the Last Thursday of the Month Work-Shirker Open Class CAS Match!
We’ll shoot the same match, stages, and scenarios we were going to shoot today and I hope the weather will be nice and dry with a slight cool breeze blowing down through the trees and having the sun make an appearance would be nice too!
Sound good? You bet!
Visitors and spectators are always welcome at our cowboy matches but you must wear safety glasses and hearing protection. It’s mandatory.
We hope to see you at our next match. Shoot any style you want at any time you want. Try something new, try something old, or just come and have fun shooting a CAS match under the trees in a friendly, low pressure environment full friendly people.
Stay safe and God bless,
Slow Mo Dern