Brookfield CAS! Thursday Work-Shirker on August 27, 2020!
"What the heck is this?"
"That's the posse after the stage writer! What a bunch of spoil-sports!"
"He wrote, 'if yuh miss the flyin' bottle; you hafta hit TWO knock-downs!" Thas right!"
"Them dudes oughta bring more shotgun shells or don't miss that flyin' bottle!"
Life is tough in the Old West...
"For the stage writers?"
"No, for the folks that hafta hit the flyin' bottle!"
Brookfield CAS! Thursday Work-Shirker Open Class CAS Match!
August 27, 2020
It was a wonderful day for a Thursday Work-Shirker match and it’s always nice to see a big group of people smiling, laughing, and having a good time! We were truly in a “goodly state of merriment” as Seamus would say.
Big thanks to everyone who attended and thanks for all the help with posse duties and chores; it helped the match run smoothly and timely and allowed us to beat the big rain storm that immediately followed our CAS range activities! Thank you!
Special thanks to Missouri Jake for loaning us his trailer again, we can’t function without it! Thanks, Jake!
Match results are as follows:
Fast shootin’ Sixgun Seamus was our big winner today! Congratulations, Seamus!
Crazy Krazy Thom finished close in second place. Congratulations, guys!
Third place went to some happy dude named Mo Dern; ain’t that a wonderment! Go figure…
Pennsylvania’s Lawless Lorin finished fourth and New York’s Low Plains Drifter finished fifth.
Clean shootin’ Hagen won the sixth place spot followed by the Brunswick Kid winning the lucky seventh place spot.
Eighth place went to Shenango Joe and ninth place went to the lovely lady gunslinger, Cayenne Kay.
Good-natured Sam Winterbuck came in tenth place and Forty Niner, young Boonie Young, came in at number 11.
Good friend, Rattlesnake Ruby finished in twelfth place and new shooter, Peanut Red finished strong in the lucky thirteen place!
We always save the best for last and our fourteenth place winner was good buddy, Joe Capp!
The first place winner in the Wild Bunch category was Wild Bunch aficionado, Boonie Young! Congratulations, Boonie!
I have no idea what happened to your other score sheet except that it has mysteriously disappeared! Yikes!
Our only clean shooter today was hard-workin’ Hagen. That’s what the sheet says. Congratulations, Hagen! That means he hit those little bottles on stage 4! Wow!
If only 1 miss keeps a shooter from getting a clean match; that shooter earns themselves an AwwSh**t ribbon of a tasteful brown color that they can take home and hang on the wall or use it for a bookmarker. Some folks even nail’em to trees out in the woods!
AwwSh**t ribbon winners today were Krazy Thom, Shenango Joe, the Brunswick Kid, and Slow Mo Dern. A fine bunch of cowboys for sure!
Congratulations to all our winners and participants!
Old friend, fast-shootin’ Johnny Shiloh, came out to see us but had to leave early and couldn’t finish. Maybe we’ll see him in September. Thanks for all your help, Johnny!
Thank you to everyone for helping out our new shooters with guidance, explanations, information, and hardware and making them feel welcome.
New shooter, Whiskey Hicks joined us today but had to leave early. He went to work on Work-Shirker Thursday! Go figure…
We wish him the best and maybe he’ll come back when he can stay longer. He wrote a very nice post about the Shenango River Rats on the SASS Wire later that Friday. Thanks, Whiskey! Come back and see us!
Lawless Lorin’s brother, Peanut Red, came to ring some steel too! I hope he’ll come back, I think he liked Cowboy Action Shooting very much!
I hope they had a peach of a good time and maybe we’ll see’em again for more fun and excitement on a later date. I sure hope so.
Our next match will be Saturday September 12, 2020.
I think we’ll start at the plate rack, shoot some bad hombres at the store, bust some bottles, clean out the ol’saloon, blast some hotel rats, do the Abilene sweep, check out Granny’s Cabbage Patch, and visit with the flying birds at the Fort!
Oh, yeah! Blast the neighbor’s wild chickens too!
Sound like fun? You bet!
Word has it that there might be a bunch of cartridges filled with that archaic black powder substance carried by aficionados who like to make the woodland environment resound with loud explosions of fire and smoke! Double yikes!
I’m gonna pray for a strong breeze for sure!
That’s Saturday September 12, 2020!
Spectators and visitors are always welcome but wear your eye protection and hearing protection. Safety every time, that’s us.
Thanks for coming and we hope to see you next time.
Stay safe and God bless,
Slow Mo Dern and the Shenango River Rats
Thank you for your support!