Saturday Cowboy Action with the Shenango River Rats!

"Hey! Hombre! Give us all your Icy Hot!"
"Where you guys going? There's a hotel down at Yankee Flats!"
"No, no! We hear there many ratas!"
"You folks got enough ammo to clean out every hotel in northeastern Ohio!"
"Our backs are very sore from carrying this much...."
"Go to the Brookfield CAS match on September 12, 2020; you can shoot all day!"
"They gonna have lunch too!"
Lookee there! I see Billy the Kid in the back row! Who-duh thought....
CAS at Brookfield in Masury, Ohio Saturday September 12, 2020
The Shenango River Rats are gonna ride yet again! YeeHaww!
Come join us for another Cowboy Action match at the Brookfield Conservation Club in Masury, Ohio on Saturday September 12, 2020.
It’s time again for another Saturday match with flying bottles, flying birds, nasty rats, nasty plates, nasty target sweeps, nasty hombres, and nothin’ but fun under the trees!
Five fast and nasty stages put together for your merriment and jollification!
Gates open at 9:00 am ----- Lead down range at around 10:00 am after the Pledge of Allegiance and a “brief” safety meeting.
Tons of fun at last year’s prices!
Lunch is scheduled!
Water will be provided by the club.
Each stage will have a line to be said from a favorite western movie or you can always make up your own line.
Sound like fun? You bet! Bring plenty of shotgun shells!
If it rains: We’ll shoot “under the roof!”
Bring your mask, hand sanitizer, and any other personal protection equipment you think you might need.
Word has it that there might be guests and visitors too!
Spectators and visitors are always welcome but you must wear your hearing protectors and safety glasses. It’s mandatory. Safety every time, that’s us!
That’s the Saturday CAS Match at Brookfield September 12, 2020!
We hope to see you there!