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CAS in Niles, Ohio Feb. 10, 2018
"Vendetta Ride? I thought we were goin' to Niles to shoot surly copy paper!" Saturday February 10, 2018 CAS in Niles, Ohio It was a good...

Scores! CAS Match-Niles, Ohio Saturday February 10, 2018
The Lake Park Raiders pose beside their horseless carriage in the thrilling days of yesteryear! Those folks knew how to dress back then!...

Indoor CAS! Saturday February 10, 2018 in Niles, Ohio
I don't know if they're on their way to the corral or to Giant Eagle to pick up flowers for the Sweathearts! "Hey! Where you guys goin'?"...

CAS in Niles, Ohio Last Thursday! Feb. 25, 2018
"This Ol'Boy's got some wierd lookin' ears!" "You reckon that's from shooting a lot?" Cowboy Action in Niles, Ohio Thursday January 25,...

Let's Try This Again! CAS in Niles, Ohio Jan. 25, 2018
The posse from Dirt is makin' tracks over to Niles, Ohio! They heard there wuz water to be had! It's gonna take more'n one bullet to win...

CAS at Niles, Ohio! Saturday January 13th, 2018 is CANCELLED!
"Hey, I had a horse over here some where!" Yankee Flats in the snow - Slow Mo has lost his faithful horse, Spark Plug, under 6 feet of...

Indoor CAS - Niles, Ohio January 13, 2018 "Let's Ride!"
"Hey, pard! You're not supposed to point guns at people!" "Not even little, bitty ones!" "Is that a red 'stache? I see a red 'stache , I...

Happy New Year! 2017-2018
Are these guys ridin' into town or outta town?! I guess it doesn't matter, we still wish everyone a Happy New Year! The Shenango River...

Lake Park Raiders Ride! Dec. 28, 2017 -- CAS in Niles, Ohio
Shotgun Dude sez: "I cain't believe ah missed them shotgun targets!" I'll betcha he's shootin' over at Niles! The Lake Park Raiders Ride!...

Lake Park Raiders Ride Again! Thursday, Dec. 28, 2017 Niles, Ohio
Looks like the Lone Ranger borrowed Tonto's shirt! Tonto's ridin' in the coach freezin'! Last Thursday of the Month Work Shirker Open...
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