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Merry Christmas! "Here's to the Sunny Slopes......" Dec. 2017
"Here's to the sunny slopes" of the year gone by. It wasn't all sunny but it's gone and a new year's just around the corner! "What do you...

CAS in Niles, Ohio December 9, 2017
"Now you look at this dude real close! Doesn't he look like Sean Connery?" "Geez! Those saddle bags are awful small......" "Yeah, an'...

Cowboy Action in Niles, Ohio Saturday December 9, 2017
All the ladies like Cowboy Action! Just ask'em! "How come these shotgun targets are so small!" "What kinda match you runnin', Mo!" Niles...

Nov. 30, 2017 Lake Park Raiders!
"Looks like that hangin' copy paper got the best of you Lake Park Raiders!" "Better luck next time!" Angel Eyes sez: "How's the misses?...

CAS with the Lake Park Raiders! Nov. 30, 2017
Slow Mo out in the freshly fallen snow tryin' to blast a gobbler Lawman Style! He was down at the Cowboy range during deer season! Niles...

CAS at Niles, Ohio 11-30-17
" sure you wuz walkin' over here with it?" Two pards walkin' the streets of Dodge lookin' for that magazine end screw plug! CAS...

Veteran's Day November 11, 2017
This Veteran’s Day, I want to express our deep appreciation and respect for the men and women who have served or are serving in our armed...

Niles, Ohio Cowboy Action Indoors! November 11, 2017
"...but I wasn't laughing at yer mule! Gimme a break!" The Man with no Name draws down on a sheet of Bobtown Cooter's copy paper that is...

Brookfield CAS - October 26, 2017
"Hey! That was my hat!" "ooops........!" October 26, 2017 Cowbooy Action at the Brookfield Conservation Club! It was a brisk, chilly,...

Last Ride to Yankee Flats! Oct. 26, 2017
"Hey Mo, how are we gonna shoot without our rifles and guncarts?" "Aww, shucks! I knew I forgot something!" "Well, at least we remembered...
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