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Shenango River Rats do CAS in Brookfield, Ohio! Saturday June 9, 2018
"Who put these targets out so far....Hagen?" "Maybe." "Do you have to stand so close?" "I don't want to miss nothin'." "Are you the Timer...

Brookfield CAS with the Shenango River Rats! Thursday May 31, 2018!
"Watch me shoot the rope off'n this dudes neck!" "That's Tuco..." "I know it's too cool.....I'm doin' it!" "No, the guys name is Tuco."...

Brookfield CAS! May 31, 2018 Thursday Work Shirker Open Class Match with the Shenango River Rats!
"Now what the heck is this? Looks like bad news!" "That looks like a shotgun stage!" "I'll bet that's the Nido de Ratas Hotel!" "Go in...

Saturday CAS Match at Brookfield! May 12, 2018
Mr. Gunfighter sez: "This coffee tastes like mud, pard!" Mo sez: "'Course it do! It was 'ground' this morning! Ha! Ha!" These guys...

Scores up! For the Brookfield CAS match. Saturday May 12, 2018
"I just love these wide-open spaces!" "They did a nice job on this Cactus Corral!" "Yeah, they did. Hey, yer holster's on backwards."...

CAS at Brookfield! Saturday May 12, 2018. First match of the Season!
"Stay still you little weasel! Yore history!" Is this Mo lying in the parking lot of the ol' Warren Delphi-Packard plant shootin' rats?...

The Last Ride of the Lake Park Raiders! Thursday April 26, 2018
"Well, the time has come to celebrate Springtime, May flowers, Cinco de Mayo, mud season, and outdoor Cowboy Action at the Brookfield...

The Lake Park Raiders Ride! One Last Time in Niles, Ohio! Thursday April 26, 2018.
"Yessir! That's right. Only 10 dollars. There's fresh coffee and donuts too! We'll shoot 5 fun-filled stages of fast and furious...

Lake Park Raiders! Indoor CAS in Niles, Ohio April 14, 2018
"Is this a 'Hunter' holster?" "No, it's a leather holster, but I did have to hunt for it." The Lake Park Raiders Rode Again! Saturday...

Scores! Niles Indoor CAS with Lake Park Raiders! Saturday April 14, 2018
Demona sez: "What! It's supposed to get cold again!???" This 6 month winter's been rough on the zombies too! "Time to reach for the...
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