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Happy 4th of July from all of us at the Brookfield Conservation Club!
We wish everyone a safe and happy 4th of July weekend! Come join us for our Saturday CAS match next weekend on Saturday July 11, 2020 $10...

CAS at Brookfield, Ohio! Thursday Work-Shirker on June 25, 2020
"C'mon, Will. I know you know how to shotgun shoot bottles an' such..." "You mean all I gotta do is knock down this here plate an' a...

Brookfield CAS! Saturday June 13, 2020! Shenango River Rats Ride Again!
"Hey, we ain't gonna shoot no birds... at least not Gunfighter Style!" "Yeah! We're gonna shoot rats!" "Rats at the hotel! That's the...

Brookfield CAS! First Official Match of the 2020 Outdoor Season! Thursday Work-Shirker May 28, 2020!
"Hey, I know her! That's Gunslinger Girl!" "Yeah, that's Gunslinger Girl shootin" Gunfighter Style!" "Nice hat!" "Who said! That looks...

Brookfield CAS! Thursday Work-Shirker Open Class CAS Match! May 28, 2020
"Yeah, it wuz..." "The Thursday Last Match of the Month Open Class CAS Match at the Brookfield Conservation Club!" "It rained so hard...

Memorial Day! Monday May 25, 2020
"Freedom is never free" -Unknown Please remember our brave defenders of freedom on this Memorial Day. We will never forget them. Please...
Veddy Badman has passed on. Rest in peace, Veddy.
Veddy Badman aka James Stec has passed on. Please keep Tiffany in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.

News from the Brookfield Conservation Club! Thursday April 23, 2020
"Look out, Mo! That lady looks serious!" Mo sez: "Nice hat, lady! Where's yer hardware?" "She looks mighty serious, Mo! Don't mess...

Indoor CAS matches are CANCELED for March and April at the Western Reserve Fish and Game Club in Nil
"What the heck is this?" "That's Mo's house... he's in quarantine!" "How are we supposed to get to the coffee?" "You're not! That's why...

CAS with the Lake Park Raiders! The match on Saturday March 14, 2020 in Niles, Ohio!
"Doc's back in town today!" "I heard he's a 'huckleberry'!" "You mean like Huckleberry Hound?" He's the one what cheated everybody out of...
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