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Indoor CAS in Niles, Ohio with the Lake Park Raiders! Saturday March 14, 2020...
"Hey! Look'it that! A left-handed Colt! How 'bout that?" "I didn't know they made those!" "I think they were made special for Billy...

News from the Indoor Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS match in Niles, Ohio on February 27, 2020!
"Who's that?" "That looks like Big John lookin' for Little Debbie again!" "Naw, he's leavin' the cowboy match..." "No way! He's leavin'...

Indoor Cowboy Action! Niles, Ohio! Thursday February 27, 2020!
"Doc? I didn't know 'use in town... yuh can't smoke in here." "Since when? Since when do ya use the bathroom inside and smoke outside?"...

Indoor CAS in Niles, Ohio! Saturday February 8, 2020! The Lake Park Raiders Rode Again!
"Hey! That horse reminds me of Mo's horse! Ol' Spark Plug!" "Why? 'Cause he's got four legs and flies?" "Naw, "cause his tongue's...

Indoor CAS in Niles, Ohio! Thursday Work Shirker on Jan. 30, 2020!
"Hey! There sure are a lotta rules in this handbook!" "What's it say about 'shootin' like the Lone Ranger'?" "Where'd you get that cool...

The Lake Park Raiders will Ride yet Again! Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match! January 30,
"Well, lookee here! This looks like the Plinkertons with the stage!" "It is! They're takin' a break after lunch!" "Don't tell me they...

Lake Park Raiders Rode Again! Saturday January 11, 2020!
"Hey, what's this? Is it a train robbery? Are they stealing the train?" "Naw, it's just some outlaws gettin' trained! Haw! Haw!" "They...

Indoor CAS in Niles, Ohio! Lake Park Raiders Ride Again! Saturday January 11, 2020!
Dave Tutt says, "You know this ain't about no timepiece, Bill." "You're right, Dave. It's about lunch time!" "No, Bill. That ain't whut...

Cowboy Action Indoors! Thursday Work-Shirker on Dec. 26, 2019!
"Ay! Ceesco! Wachoo riddin'?" " Ahh, Poncho! It is a smuggled letter from Brookfield!" "What does it say?" "Ahh, Poncho! It says...

Ain't This a Wonderment! CAS in Niles, Ohio! Saturday December 14, 2019!
Happy Holidays from the Doc! "Who might this be?" "Hey! That's Doc Holiday!" "If he's one of the happy Holidays; he don't look too...
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