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Lake Park Raiders Rode Again! Saturday February 09, 2019! Yeehaaww!
"Hey! What's this kid doin'?" "Looks like he's eatin' Deadwood Dave's famous gourmet chili with relish!" "Naw, that ain't relish! It's...

Lake Park Raiders Ride Again! Saturday February 09, 2019!
"Hey, did you get my Valentine's Day card?" "Boy! I haven't heard that joke in a while..." "Last time I heard that joke, I fell off my...

Thursday Work-Shirker Match! January 31, 2019! The Lake Park Raiders Ride Again!
"Hey, Mo! Lookee! She's shootin' Lawman Style!" "Ask her if she wants any coffee! It wuz ground this morning! Hahahah! "She's too...

Thursday Work-Shirker CAS Match! Thursday January 31, 2019!
"Hey! Thar's 10 targets in a row! They're big too!" "Howdy, Sheriff! Yuh want some coffee? Whut-cha bring to shoot today?" I jest know...

CAS in Niles, Ohio with the Lake Park Raiders! Saturday Jan. 12, 2019
"Hey, howdy! Nice to see yuh! This yore first time at Niles?" "You look like you guys could use some coffee! We got some that was...

First Match of 2019! Saturday January 12, 2019!
"Howdy, pard! Happy New Year!'' "Howdy, yourself! I want to welcome you an' yer horse to my campsite! Here, have some coffee..." "Hey,...

Thursday Work-Shirker Open Class CAS Match in Niles! Dec. 27, 2018
"Here we go again! It's gonna be another new year!" "Another new year for Cowboy Action an' all the stuff that goes with it!" "I think...

Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season from All of Us!
"Who's this? Hagen in his younger days? Slugless Douglas? The Brunswick Kid?" "That's Ralphie shootin' B-Western!" "Nice outfit!"...

Cowboy Action in Niles, Ohio! Saturday December 8, 2018!
"Hey! Look! That's a snowman! It must be gettin' to be the Christmas Season!" "Where's his arms? He doesn't have any arms! He's...

It's Time to Ride Again with the Lake Park Raiders! CAS in Niles, Ohio! Saturday December 8, 20
"Hey, it's the Lake Park Raiders! I thought they were ridin' again!" "Naw, they had to pose for a photograph..." "Looks like Mo fell...
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