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Thursday CAS Match! April 25, 2019 in Niles, Ohio is CANCELLED!
The Thursday match was cancelled due to a scheduling conflict. We are truly sorry and do apologize. My sincere apologies, Mo "Looks like...

Indoor CAS with the Lake Park Raiders! Niles, Ohio. Saturday April 13, 2019!
"Whoa! Who is this dude racked out in the grass? I didn't know it was Margarita Season already!" "That's Mo after the Indoor CAS match...

Indoor CAS with the Lake Park Raiders! Saturday April 13, 2019!
"Hey, kid! Yuh bedder cock yer piece! All the way back 'til it locks!" "She knows how to do it! She's trying for first place at Niles...

Thursday Work-Shirker Open Class CAS Match in Niles, Ohio! March 28, 2019 with the Lake Park Raider
"Hey, isn't that Mo's horse? Ol' Spark Plug?" "What's he want? Is he makin' fun of us?" "Naw, he jest wants another one of those tequila...

Lake Park Raiders! Indoor CAS in Niles, Ohio! Thursday March 28, 2019! It's the Work-Shirker
"Whoa! What's this?" "That dude's roundin' up chickens for the chicken dinner!" "I bet he's gonna drive'em over to Yankee Flats so we...

The Lake Park Raiders Rode Again! Saturday March 09, 2019! YeeHaw!
"Wow! These guys look magnificent!" "Are they goin' out for coffee? Tell'em to go see Mo!" "Mo's coffee tastes like mud!" "Of course it...

Indoor Cowboy Action with the Lake Park Raiders! Saturday March 09, 2019!
"Hey! Look! It's the Lake Park Raiders!" "They must be gonna shoot a CAS match! I didn't know it wuz Saturday already!" "They look like...

Indoor CAS in Niles, Ohio! Thursday February 28, 2019!
"Hey! Look at whut the Lake Park Raiders built out'a slabs!" "They built a whole barn!" "Maybe they're hidin' a big elk!" "Maybe...

Thursday Work-Shirker CAS Match! February 28, 2019 in Niles, Ohio!
"This dude doesn't look like he's enjoying his coffee!" "He shoulda had Mo make it!' Mo sez: "A feller can't appreciate good coffee in...

Cowboy Dinner! Wednesday March 20, 2019! First day of Spring!
"Who's this dude?" "He's on his way over to Sunrise Inn in Warren, Ohio for the Cowboy Dinner!" "Hale, that guitar ain't even plugged...
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