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Cowboy Dinner! Thursday October 18, 2018 at 6:00 pm!
"Oh, Boy! My favorite! Hot dogs, taters, and burnt Spam!" Yum! "I hope Mo washed that pitchfork, it mighta' had flies on it!" "Flies! ...

CAS with the River Rats! Saturday October 13, 2018
"Pap! Pap! The woods is on fahr!" "Whut the....! Don't be alarmed, son, it's jest Hagen shootin' Outlaw style!" "How can he see, Pappy?"...

Brookfield CAS with the Shenango River Rats! October 13, 2018
"I got a gun fer each of yuh!" "More action, John! Yore spotter done fell asleep!" "I got 10 shots to knock these plates down! Now,...

Cowboy Dinner! Thursday October 18, 2018!
"Hey! That don't look like any winery! What gives?" "That's a chuck wagon..." "Chuck who? I don't care what his name is! Where's the...

What Happened on Thursday September 27, 2018? Cowboy Action! That's whut! Ha!
Mo sez: "Git after him, Sheriff! Don't let 'im git away!" "Wud 'e do? Defame a Easter basket, use too many staples?" "Naw, he stole all...

CAS at Brookfield! Thursday Work Shirker Match! September 27, 2018
"Hey, Uncle Ethan! Hear any good jokes lately?" "I heard one about coffee but it was stupid.... like you!" "You reckon we're gettin'...

River Rats Save CAS Match! Saturday Sept. 8, 2018!
"Looks good to me!", sez Lloyd. "That'll do in a pinch but it looks a little weak!", sez Mo. "Stick a spoon in it!" "Do the paper test!...

CAS at Brookfield, Ohio! Saturday September 8, 2018
"Whatsa matter, Lloyd? Don't you wanna shoot in the rain?" Lioyd sez: "This coffee tastes like mud!" "Of course it does! It was ground...

Saturday CAS at Brookfield, Ohio with the Shenango River Rats! September 8, 2018!
"Don't worry, Sally. I'll hep yuh shoot that elk!" "I ain't worried about th' elk! It's thet Krazy Thom sweep! Let's see one....two...

CAS at Brookfield with the Shenango River Rats! August 30, 2018
"What the heck is that he's ridin'on?" "That's a horse!" "A horse! Can we git a horse?" "Naw, we're 'ground-pounders'! If we bought a...
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